Friday, January 22, 2010

Brett Favre Sportsman Of The Year Has Anyone Else Read The Sports Illustrated Brett Favre Article?

Has anyone else read the Sports Illustrated Brett Favre article? - brett favre sportsman of the year

Athlete of the Year is an understatement. The document shows that the quality of life more important than winning sports hero / performance loss. As Brett and Deanna fulfill their life is enviable. This is a must read for sports fans. I care less if the Packers win another game. Live Brett, Deanna and family life with dignity and a person (touching) the man of grace.

Thank Kiln, Mississippi, for re-envigorring my attitude to life.


Abusoru said...

I read the article. I must say I am impressed with what he did. I was surprised that there are other problems in your life, like having to rehab goes and everything. It is amazing how on earth this guy is. Absolultely It has everything to organize the lives of others well in Green Bay, a stove and the whole body. I had to drive back the tears while reading about the young girl named Ana, who suffered from the disease, Alexander (I was in school reading this). To the family had so much on board and their time was to give the lives of girls, is simply breathtaking. Have you read the article by Peter King at the end of the East as well. This is another good story, that man board. An excellent work for the SI Sportsman of the Year from Farve. Long life for him.

EDIT: I'm no fan of the Packers. I live in Maryland.

Abusoru said...

I read the article. I must say I am impressed with what he did. I was surprised that there are other problems in your life, like having to rehab goes and everything. It is amazing how on earth this guy is. Absolultely It has everything to organize the lives of others well in Green Bay, a stove and the whole body. I had to drive back the tears while reading about the young girl named Ana, who suffered from the disease, Alexander (I was in school reading this). To the family had so much on board and their time was to give the lives of girls, is simply breathtaking. Have you read the article by Peter King at the end of the East as well. This is another good story, that man board. An excellent work for the SI Sportsman of the Year from Farve. Long life for him.

EDIT: I'm no fan of the Packers. I live in Maryland.

My 4 month old is a Packer fan 2 said...

I am a Packer fan and read the article.

I called in some parts, because Deanna Favre and not "gods", but people. There are many tragedies that have occurred are those who will remain in his recent family and strong. It seems that all of Favre's career happened something terrible had almost every season. Deanna is a strong woman, and Brett is a strong man

Favre deserves the honor ... not because it is high on the floor, but a modest person and Deanna, you are off the field. The Favre family, an example of how all families should pro.

SI has a great job with the article stating the type of person he is and not just the people we see on the field during the week.

DFK said...

Good answers everyone!

There are more than a pro athlete statistics.

Character, integrity and perseverance.
The article itself pointed out in particular. A breath of fresh air and hope.

Leafy said...

Personally, I am a Saints fan, but I can not help but feel good when Brett and the Packers win a game.

Some of my teachers went to school with him and his family, a bar and grill below. It has the whole family along the coast. Favre is Favre To ...

A really cool guy. I am proud to come from a city, two steps away from here.

Kathy-ri... said...

If someone starts talking about Brett Favre,
Brett Favre is the best
Dianna is the best
Irvan Papa is the best

God bless you!

johnny_o... said...

This article has been fine, my father was a Packer fan all my life do not leave, and Missouri. The heart and compassion for the game, not only that, but everything outside the game.

Not to act in that he tries to perfect, says the article by Koren Robinson and Favre was great. See how Favre has come to a big player with big problems is. When Favre was when he played in the 90s.

The effort to give children with mental and physical is really surprising. Think about it, argueably the best quarterback of all time costs almost every Friday with the children. It shows how humble he is. He is a hero of heroes, it is wonderful to see him play and listen to great works of the community in the oven and Green Bay.

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