Monday, February 22, 2010

Berkeley 2010 Supplemental UC Berkeley Asked Me For A Supplement?

UC Berkeley asked me for a supplement? - berkeley 2010 supplemental

I applied for admission in autumn 2010 and received an email yesterday asking me to fill out an online questionnaire and submit a recommendation letter from my counselor or teacher. You ask me this award because I had problems with depression suffer in the last year and early this year and my grades because of it. I still have the option of entering my year, if the first half of the top not so good?

My first and second year, I have an average of 3.8 for two years does not mention or AP classes
Accounts for the third year (1. and 2nd semester):
1. Project AP-B, B,
2. U.S. History-B, B,
3. AP Bio-B, B,
4. Physiology-B, B,
5. Pre-calc-B, C
6. Honors Spanish-A, A
GPA (1. and 2nd semester): 3.666667, 3.5

Senior Year-1 wkEsters

1. Chemical C
2. AP Spanish-A
3. Literature AP-B
4. Government-A
5. A newspaper

I also have a course in political science at the community college and got a C in the ... that my eldest would average 3.8 to 3.67 ....

Should I mention that I have the class? What should I include in the questionnaire?


Ms. Sun said...

Answer the questions honestly and to keep to the facts. What does not overstate or understate the situation. Upon receipt of the questionnaire: the campus needs more information for the admission decision to make, and the recent recipient of the questionnaires were 25% to 33% acceptance rate.

Note in DC, because it adds to the accuracy of their schedule. Enter an explanation for C if there is something beyond their control (illness, family problems, etc..)

Leave Before the Lights Come On said...

I think you should just say what they want. All they want is to know in detail how the depression of his notes, no longer affected. What new classes he takes are not relevant. Think about what you intend to accept, too. CA in a new class is a waste of your current picture is not encouraging you and take a good student who went through a hard time.

amibeeth... said...

GPA is good, but it's C and B, and only accepts a

Answer4N... said...

u screwd

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